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  • October 30, 2018 5:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Vancouver Island Economic Summit in Nanaimo and was delighted to run into several ASPECT members. My goal for being at the conference was to meet as many employers and employer representatives as I could to find out their needs. I'm researching how ASPECT can coordinate its members' expertise to meet employers' needs at a provincial level.

    I heard  -- almost as an unofficial reoccurring theme throughout several of the presentations and workshops -- that employers desperately need skilled workers to compete locally and globally. It struck me that I was certainly in the right place at the right time!

    ASPECT is currently developing an Employer-Service Provider Summit hosted by ASPECT in June 2019. The initial plan is to host a provincial summit in the Vancouver/Richmond with large employers and then do regional meetings with local employers in fall 2019. If you are interested in being a part of the ASPECT Summit Steering Committee, please send me a quick email
    Janet Morris-Reade

  • October 12, 2018 11:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I'm delighted to announce that one of the Pre-Conference Workshops on November 7 will feature staff from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training and the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. 

    This co-facilitated workshop hosted by the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training and the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, will provide an overview of impacts and opportunities of the new WDA and LMDA and how they are working to better align BC labour market programming. Join us for a lively session to explore how Service Delivery Partners and Ministries can work collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes for clients.

    After an update on the BC labour market, followed by brief presentations on the LMDA and the WDA, we will then break out into tables to discuss how we can improve the referral process between WorkBC centres and AEST-funded programs.

    This pre-conference workshop is an additional $25 to the regular conference rate. If you've already registered and would like to now register for this workshop too, please email us and we can update your registration. If you haven't yet registered, please do so now!

    See the Conference website program to find out what else is in store.

  • October 12, 2018 11:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Tuesday, I presented to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. I was delighted that the speakers that preceded my presentation were also asking for, or talking about, the same issues as I was although from a different perspective.  Housing, addictions and mental health, transportation and child care are barriers to employment.  More opportunities to provide presentations, videos, and submissions to the Committeecontinue from now until Monday, October 15 at 5 pm.  

  • October 11, 2018 11:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Wednesday I had an exciting meeting with my friends in the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training: Rishi Sharma, Director of Corporate Services Unit, Laura Colpman, Senior Advisor, and  Bev Shuttleworth, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Workforce Innovation and Division Responsible for Skills Training. It got so exciting we even pulled out the whiteboard pen to jot down some ideas. 

    The impetus of the idea, that we independently all came to the table with, was creating an opportunity for employers and service providers to get together and share information and ideas. I'll have more information for you by the ASPECT Conference, but in the meantime, I'll be setting up an online discussion group to talk about the needs of employers in your communities and how ASPECT can better meet those needs.  Please stay tuned.

  • October 05, 2018 11:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This morning I finally tucked into the 2018 edition of the British Columbia Labour Market Outlook that was released September 6th. It is a 104-page document produced by the provincial government and is an impressive compilation of the market outlook, the successes achieved (thanks to ASPECT members), and the regional and job-specific considerations.

    On Tuesday morning, I'll be making a 5-minute presentation to the Select Standing Committee of Finance and Government Services on your behalf, and the Labour Market Outlook is just one of the pieces that informs my presentation. The most important part of my message will be stories from ASPECT members about the challenges and successes your clients encounter finding meaningful and sustainable livelihoods.

    ASPECT members tell me that the barriers to employment continue to be mental health and addictions, childcare cost and availability, housing, and transportation. Although we've seen some movement on these issues over the past year and I am cautiously optimistic, I will once again focus on these barriers and request that more funding is invested in these areas. Finally, I will champion ASPECT members and the work you do every day. Employment services and training are not always easy to understand if you are working outside the sector; therefore, I will ensure that those on the Committee know who you are and what you do.

  • September 21, 2018 12:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At 2 pm today, a heavy sigh of relief will be heard from some of our members as the Employment Program of BC request for proposal closes. Still, many more of our members, are in the thick of proposal-writing with the call for proposal for the Skills Training for Employment for Young Adults released last week and the Community Workforce Response CRP expected on Monday. You might be looking for a happy news distraction so here's what was confirmed this week for the  ASPECT Conference.

    The Honourable Janet Austin, OBC, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia will be presenting the David Hutson Leadership Award and the ASPECT Organization of the Year Award at Friday's lunch. As many of you know, her honour is a longtime advocate for social change and is the former CEO of the Metro Vancouver YWCA. She will also speak briefly about stepping into her leadership role as Lieutenant Governor.

    Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, Honourable Shane Simpson, will also be speaking at lunch on Friday. We are delighted that Minister Simpson will be back this year as we hope he will have more information about the Poverty Reduction Plan for BC. I know many of our members were a part of the consultations and some of you stood on the advisory committee. 

    In addition to these very special guests, we have confirmed some inspiring speakers this year and, along with good food and a comfortable venue, there'll be lots of networking opportunities. I look forward to seeing you there!

    Janet Morris-Reade

  • September 15, 2018 4:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Several of our members are currently wading their way through the Employment Program of BC (EPBC) request for proposal, either as a potential contractor or a sub-contractor or partner. With the September 21 deadline looming, the end appears in sight! You might have missed another funding opportunity through BC Bid this week from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training (AEST) entitled Skills Training for Employment (STE) Program for Young Adults.  

    Before it's release, Gord Sharpe, A/Director of the Program Design and Delivery Branch for Employment & Training Programs at the Ministry consulted with ASPECT regarding the release date of the Call for Proposal (CFP). There is a tight timeline to secure new contracts in place before the current contracts expire and the bidding process takes time. He tells me that some extensions for current programs are being processed to avoid gaps in service and staff layoffs with service providers.  

    The abundance of opportunities continues as on September 24 you can expect to see more CFPs from AEST to drop on BC Bid. The CFP released this week already has additional and amended information posted; I encourage you to go directly to the BC Bid website for the latest details.  

    In the meantime, ASPECT is looking for ways to support our members. There has been some interest in running a proposal-writing workshop early next month. Here's the big question: would you attend a proposal writing workshop in Richmond during the RFP or CFP period, i.e. during the beginning of October?

    Please let me know as soon as possible and I'll get something set up. It would likely be part two of what was offered last January and April.  

  • September 07, 2018 12:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    One way ASPECT promotes excellence within the sector is by recognizing those who are showing leadership and who make a significant contribution to the sector. We have two awards: 

    The David Hutson Leadership Award is awarded to an individual who demonstrates exemplary leadership in the community-based training sector.

    Past awards were bestowed on the following individuals:

    • 2016 Nolan Eddy (pictured at right with John Dawson, ASPECT President)
    • 2015 Susan Steele
    • 2014 Clifford Bell
    • 2013 Kathy Bedard
    • 2012 Joan Andersen
    • 2011 Anny Horton
    • 2010 Jennifer De Luca
    • 2009 Marnie Marley

    The ASPECT Organization of the Year Awardcelebrates the contribution of one organization which has made a significant contribution to community-based trainers profile and progress in British Columbia. You can nominate your own organization as well as others in the sector.

    Past awards were bestowed on the following organizations:

    • 2016 – Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society
    • 2013 – Nexus BC
    • 2012 – Free Rein Associates
    • 2011 – M. Magas & Associates Inc. & Open Door Group
    • 2010 – North Island Employment Foundations Society
    • 2009 – PEERS Victoria & Kootenay Career Development Society

    Nominate yourself or a colleague and help us celebrate those making a difference and providing leadership within our sector. Go to our website for links to the online nomination forms.

    The awards may not be presented every year. 

  • August 31, 2018 3:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Yesterday, we wrapped up the second of two ASPECT BC Member Discussions. During these online video & teleconferences, we discussed Innovative Ideas for Performance Outcomes Management and Rural Transportation Solutions for Employment Success. Both discussions attracted strong participation from all corners of the province with 48 members signed up for the Outcomes discussion and 28 members signed up for the Rural discussion.

    The ideas discussed will be shared with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training and will inform our advocacy work to other Ministries and Government Committees. Thanks to everyone who participated and filled out the post-event-surveys.
    Because of the success of these conversations, we will plan future online conversations and regional meetings to address other issues. These are not webinars, but rather opportunities to share the diverse challenges and solutions amongst ASPECT members. If you have a topic that you would like to discuss with your peers, let me know and we can set up a discussion group.  

    Click here to see the notes from our two ASPECT BC Member Discussions

  • August 13, 2018 1:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Late last week I had the opportunity to meet with Assistant Deputy Minister, Bindi Sawchuck, and Gord Sharpe, Director of Employment Training Programs, both of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. They updated me on some of the upcoming RFPs related to the new Workforce Development Agreement (formerly the Canada Job Fund). In case you were worried, they have confirmed that any upcoming Community Workforce Grant RFPs will be released after the closing of the current Employment Program of BC RFP!  

    It struck me and was confirmed by what I saw on the wall as I entered the office (above image), how dedicated the staff at the ministry are. Like ASPECT members, these public servants are experts at what they do and are earnestly working to find solutions under government constraints to provide the best services to clients possible. 

    There are some challenges that I'm hoping you can help crowdsource solutions. The goal will be to take your ideas back to governmentto help inform upcoming programs. Please sign up for one of the following video/teleconference times to provide your feedback and join the discussion:

    Discussion: Innovative Ideas for Performance Outcomes Management

    In this facilitated discussion, we will discuss challenges with the current outcomes-based model and brainstorm ideas in which to inform government policy. This is your opportunity to find out what your colleagues are thinking and to test your own ideas with other experts in the sector. 

    Tuesday, August 28, 2018
    10:00 – 11:00 AM
    Video & Tele Conference (details to be sent upon registration)
    Register Now.

    Discussion: Rural Transportation Solutions for Employment Success

    In this facilitated discussion, we will discuss possible solutions to overcoming transportation challenges for those facing this barrier to employment and brainstorm ideas in which to inform government policy. This is your opportunity to find out what your colleagues are thinking and to test your own ideas with other experts in the sector. 

    Thursday, August 30, 2018
    10:00 – 11:00 AM
    Video & Tele Conference (details to be sent upon registration)
    Register Now.

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

Toll Free: 1-888-287-4957
Telephone: 250-382-9675


ASPECT is proud to be a Living Wage Employer    

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