Late last week I had the opportunity to meet with Assistant Deputy Minister, Bindi Sawchuck, and Gord Sharpe, Director of Employment Training Programs, both of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. They updated me on some of the upcoming RFPs related to the new Workforce Development Agreement (formerly the Canada Job Fund). In case you were worried, they have confirmed that any upcoming Community Workforce Grant RFPs will be released after the closing of the current Employment Program of BC RFP!
It struck me and was confirmed by what I saw on the wall as I entered the office (above image), how dedicated the staff at the ministry are. Like ASPECT members, these public servants are experts at what they do and are earnestly working to find solutions under government constraints to provide the best services to clients possible.
There are some challenges that I'm hoping you can help crowdsource solutions. The goal will be to take your ideas back to governmentto help inform upcoming programs. Please sign up for one of the following video/teleconference times to provide your feedback and join the discussion:
Discussion: Innovative Ideas for Performance Outcomes Management
In this facilitated discussion, we will discuss challenges with the current outcomes-based model and brainstorm ideas in which to inform government policy. This is your opportunity to find out what your colleagues are thinking and to test your own ideas with other experts in the sector.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Video & Tele Conference (details to be sent upon registration)
Register Now.
Discussion: Rural Transportation Solutions for Employment Success
In this facilitated discussion, we will discuss possible solutions to overcoming transportation challenges for those facing this barrier to employment and brainstorm ideas in which to inform government policy. This is your opportunity to find out what your colleagues are thinking and to test your own ideas with other experts in the sector.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Video & Tele Conference (details to be sent upon registration)
Register Now.