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Our Power is in Our Representation

Our members are leading experts in the delivery of career training programs to improve chances of employability and job retention for their clients. The focus has always been on making our communities sustainable by promoting the value of using local people who understand the market and can deliver the needed training and services.

Employment Funding Moving Forward

ASPECT is at the table to ensure that the needs of the sector are represented; for both small single-service and large multi-service organizations. We are in a perfect position to work with stakeholders and policymakers to provide feedback on behalf of the sector and advocate to government to make changes to funding structures. We are the voice when workforce development contractors may not feel comfortable voicing their concerns. 

Check out the CEO Blog for updates on some of the issues we are addressing or better yet, sign up for the Aspective News to received updates to your e-mailbox.

Working Together Makes Us All Stronger 

ASPECT takes time to work with other organizations to find overlapping mandates and finds ways to promote or support others who can promote or support the work that our members are doing. If you have any suggestions of where we can expand our reach, please let us know.

At right is a map of our advocacy relationships as of July 2019.  Click on the image for the whole story.

ASPECT'S Membership Serving Clients in
190 Communities Throughout the Province.

ASPECT Advocacy & Relationship Map: We Work Well with Others
as of June 2022

Click here for a closer look at this map.

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

Toll Free: 1-888-287-4957
Telephone: 250-382-9675


ASPECT is proud to be a Living Wage Employer    

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