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Two Big Announcements for ASPECT

April 09, 2021 2:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We have two really big announcements this week.

Future Skills Centre Research Project

Announced last Wednesday at 6:00 am, I can now tell you that ASPECT, along with our project partner Ethos Career Management Group, was one of 64 projects chosen out of 469 proposals by the Future Skills Centre for Shockproof funding. 
With the support of nine advisory committee organizations from the ASPECT membership and the support of all our members, we will study the current competencies of Career Development Professionals to deliver virtual services to those with barriers to employment, while looking at ways to build competencies should there be any gaps in knowledge. We are a group of community-based experts, and my concern is that in the future governments may rely on virtual services without realizing the effects on youth, Indigenous populations, women fleeing violence, refugees, immigrants, older workers, and those with diverse abilities. It is hoped that this research is phase 1 with a training pilot, that is yet to be funded, as phase 2. World-renowned scholar, Dr. Roberta Borgen (Neault), will be overseeing our research along with two research assistants. 
The research activities will take place between May-August and are as follows:
  1. Conduct a literature review
  2. Advisory group meetings to discuss the transition to virtual services and helping clients.
  3. An online survey sent out province-wide to CDPs
  4. Conduct focus group discussions of CDPs who offer services to underrepresented clients in both urban and rural and remote locations.
  5. Report and recommendations vetted and approved by the advisory group
Congratulations to ASPECT members who also received Shock-Proofing Project funding:
AEST Funding for Professional Development

Our popular procurement workshops are back, but now in a virtual format.

The two-day in-person workshop has been transformed into 3-hour workshops in a series of four learning streams. Because of the collaborative nature of these workshops, class size is limited and the workshops will not be recorded.

This training is free of charge with the support of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training and could prove to be quite popular. For that reason we request the following:

  • No more than 3 people from one organization can register per learning stream at a time.
  • If you can't make a session, please cancel your registration so that someone else on the waiting list can attend.


This workshop is intended for those who have little to no experience responding to government solicitations, or who feel that they need a refresher course on how procurement works within the BC Government. This course provides introductory information on how government procurement works. Topics covered will be:

  1. Types of Opportunities 
  2. Mandatory Requirements 
  3. Price-based Solicitations 
  4. Scored Solicitations 
  5. Asking Questions 
  6. Contract Award and Debriefs 

Dates offered:


This workshop is intended for those who are responsible to write proposals on behalf of their organization for government-scored solicitations.  It will be particularly useful to those who are new to this role or have not been as successful as they expected in the proposals written to date. Topics covered will be:

  1. Structure of the Proposal 
  2. What to Include 
  3. What to Avoid 
  4. Practice Writing a Proposal 
  5. Debrief the Proposals
  6. Information Available in a Debrief 

Dates offered:


This workshop is intended for those who are experienced in writing proposals but are unclear what happens after closing. It gives a “behind the scenes” glimpse into what Government does with proposals to determine the successful vendor. Topics covered will be:

  1. Government’s Evaluation Process 
  2. Evaluation “Rules”
  3. Practice Evaluating Proposals
  4. Which Proposal is Successful? Why? 

Dates offered:


This workshop is intended for those in leadership roles who make the decisions on the opportunities that the organization responds to, and who sign-off on the submissions.  his course explains the procurement framework that applies to how Government selects its contractors. Topics covered will be:

  1. Overall Procurement Framework 
  2. Legal Environment 
  3. Trade Agreements 
  4. Policy & Legislative Environment 
  5. Identify Procurement Risks 
  6. Debrief Procurement Risks
  7. Remedies for Disagreement
Dates offered:
For full information and to register, go to our Procurement Workshop webpage.

Janet Morris-Reade


300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

Toll Free: 1-888-287-4957
Telephone: 250-382-9675

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