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Values Based Leadership 2020 Graduates

December 04, 2020 11:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

As I write this, we have just finished up the final Pecha Kucha presentations for the first cohort of the Values Based Leadership certificate program. Each student presented 20 slides of 20 seconds per slide. In these presentations, our task was to use what we learned to identify a challenge at work, create a plan for tackling it, and a strategy to evaluate our plan. After their presentation, we discussed the challenge as a group and shared ideas and experiences. The whole experience was brilliant! 

A few of us had never created a PowerPoint before, some had never presented virtually, and all of us learned new ways to apply our learning now to real-life situations. I was impressed by the course, the cohort, and Dr. Roberta Borgen (Neault) and Cassie Taylor of Life Strategies Ltd. As the last presentation finished, it seemed like none of us wanted the learning to end and we resolved to create an alumni group to keep the learning going.

A screenshot from Yvonne Russell's presentation about effective communication with team members.

Congratulations to the graduates of the 2020 Values Based Leadership program:

Angela Balkwill - Horton Ventures Inc., Chetwynd
Shelley Burge - Inclusion Powell River Society, Powell River
Andrea Cherchas - Terrace and District Community Services Society, Terrace
Deanna Cormano - Terrace and District Community Services Society, Terrace
Chantel Dempsey - Horton Ventures Inc., Dawson Creek
Jason Evans - Terrace and District Community Services Society, Terrace
Jennifer Feissli - Horton Ventures Inc., 100 Mile House
Angie Fisher - Community Futures North Okanagan, Vernon
Lori Forgeron - Workforce Development Consulting of Northern BC Ltd., Prince George
Heather Gordon - NIEFS, Campbell River
Ann-Marie Gray - Inclusion Powell River Society, Powell River
Kazia Mullin - Community Futures North Okanagan, Vernon
Carmen Phillips - Community Futures North Okanagan, Vernon
Yvonne Russell - Inclusion Powell River Society, Powell River
Julie San Juan - Terrace and District Community Services Society, Terrace
Lindsey Shewchuk- WorkBC / Horton Ventures, Williams Lake
Dave Stam - Terrace and District Community Services Society, Terrace
Steph Torrance - Horton Ventures Inc, Bella Coola

Certificates will be sent out to graduates once final assignments are marked and program requirements are met. 

Again, thank you to Dr. Borgen and Cassie Tayor at Life Strategies for partnering with ASPECT to offer this high-quality leadership training program, something that is much needed in our sector. 

The next cohort will begin on January 11th. If you have questions, please contact me.

Janet Morris-Reade

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

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