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Protest and Hope for the Future of Employment

June 05, 2020 1:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The pandemic continues to focus the magnifying glass on social inequities that exist in our society, especially one of racism. As I watch the protests and question my part in contributing to the current climate, I have looked to those within our own ASPECT community for their insight and leadership. Here is a small sampling:

Racism, prejudice, and inequality have been issues for members as they support those looking for work. It is difficult to build a client's confidence in their upskilling and job search when the society around them continues to tolerate discrimination. ASPECT has taken the pledge for diversity, which is a call to action from BC’s Governor-General, Janet Austin.

A pledge is not enough. As an organization, we will do our part in supporting our members to continue to do the work they are already doing within their communities. We saw a mind-shift happen through the #metoo movement and I'm hopeful that the protests happening now will do the same for a better understanding and empathy of racism in BC.

Click on the pledge image to see a video message from Honourable Janet Austin.

Janet Morris-Reade

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

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