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Taking a Moment to Applaud the Sector

April 03, 2020 12:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

From our ASPECT member discussions these past few weeks, I have seen service providers undertake amazing feats. Not only have they been transforming their services and supports into an online format, but also they are working to support their staff and communities; all while keeping their focus on those who need their services. We should take a moment to reflect upon and appreciate the exceptional work being done.

Thank you to the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR) for being so responsive to WorkBC contractors by providing assurances of possible interim funding and flexibility in the allowable supports for clients. If you are a prime WorkBC contractor, please take a moment to inform your subcontractors with what is going on. We have all been scrambling to make changes to delivery that would, during standard times, take months but have now taken weeks. Communication with your networks is equally important. SDPR is currently developing a job matching system for employers and contractors. ASPECT has asked that anything developed also includes services offered outside of the WorkBC model.

Thank you to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training for making payment processing a priority during this time. ASPECT has submitted a request to delay some of the reporting deadlines on the less crucial reports in acknowledgement of the challenges contractors are currently facing. I hope to hear from them soon.

Thank you to the many members who are attending our weekly discussions. Their support to each other and to the advocacy work that ASPECT undertakes on your behalf is appreciated. Also, thank you to ASPECT members who are paying their membership fee invoices. We understand it is a difficult time for our members and appreciate those who can support us through this crisis.

Part of ASPECT's COVID-19 response has been to post resources to our website. This week we have added some webinars and resources. Here's a partial list of what you can find there:

I understand that we are in difficult times but I wanted to dedicate an issue of Aspectives to acknowledge the outstanding work being done in the sector.  Well done!

Janet Morris-Reade

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