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Creating Community

May 31, 2019 12:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Tim Blake has replaced Deb Hamblin at the Inter-Cultural Association of Victoria as Employment Services Manager
that required a move from the Lower Mainland to the Island. He is one of many who started new jobs in the last few months.  

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to drop by the Inter-Cultural Association of Victoria to meet with Tim Blake. He is now new to Victoria and settling into a job that started April 1. He reminded me, before our meeting, that we had met at an ASPECT conference, but for the life of me I couldn't remember what he looked like. Immediately I felt like an idiot as soon as we met in person again. Of course, I know who he is but out of the regular context, it took a moment.

It got me thinking about how much change has happened in our sector, not only from the WorkBC contracts but also from the recent retirements and replacements. Keeping track of who landed where is starting to feel like a full-time job, but an important one. In the past few months, we've lost to retirement Lynn Belsher at NEXUS Vernon, Beth Wilson at Obair Economic Society in Dawson Creek, Angela Kwok from BC Centre for Ability Association, Lynn Hughes from Northwest Training in Terrace, and Judy Crooks from Pacific Community Resources Society. All leaders in the field and in many cases being replaced by new people who are new to the employment sector (like me three years ago).  

I use Aspectives as a means of building community and feature those who are coming, going and shifting jobs by including them in this publication. Please send me your photos and announcements so that I can include them here.  

Like the simple act of wearing a name tag at a community picnic, sharing this information with our members and stakeholders will help build our sector community and celebrate the changes coming our way.  

Janet Morris-Reade

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

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