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Preparing for my Presentation

October 05, 2018 11:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

This morning I finally tucked into the 2018 edition of the British Columbia Labour Market Outlook that was released September 6th. It is a 104-page document produced by the provincial government and is an impressive compilation of the market outlook, the successes achieved (thanks to ASPECT members), and the regional and job-specific considerations.

On Tuesday morning, I'll be making a 5-minute presentation to the Select Standing Committee of Finance and Government Services on your behalf, and the Labour Market Outlook is just one of the pieces that informs my presentation. The most important part of my message will be stories from ASPECT members about the challenges and successes your clients encounter finding meaningful and sustainable livelihoods.

ASPECT members tell me that the barriers to employment continue to be mental health and addictions, childcare cost and availability, housing, and transportation. Although we've seen some movement on these issues over the past year and I am cautiously optimistic, I will once again focus on these barriers and request that more funding is invested in these areas. Finally, I will champion ASPECT members and the work you do every day. Employment services and training are not always easy to understand if you are working outside the sector; therefore, I will ensure that those on the Committee know who you are and what you do.


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