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An Advocacy Update

January 12, 2024 11:17 AM | Deleted user

I wanted to update you on ASPECT's advocacy work this week. I also encourage those who are reading this and who are not ASPECT members but deliver employment services and supports to join us to support our work. 

National Advocacy Campaign for Career Development

The CERIC-organized National Advocacy Steering Committee met to discuss the initiative that began a year ago at Cannexus. As a committee member, it's exciting to unite diverse career development players for a common message. We're developing "Beyond Decent Work," aligning with the UN's SDGI'm looking forward to our in-person Sunday meeting before Cannexus in Ottawa.

National CDP Credential Program Update

I attended a Career Development Professional Centre (CDPC) meeting this week. We discussed CDPC's ongoing work and explored the use of AI in career development. The national CDP credentialing program is progressing, including forming a national association, developing exams, and creating a competencies and delivery framework. The next phase involves testing the system with a pilot for non-certified career practitioners. If successful, the national credential program is set to launch in the fall of 2024, and provincial credentials will transfer to the national program.

Voice for Community-Based Services

At Cannexus this year, the Canadian Coalition of Community-Based Employability and Training (CCCBET) board members, of which I am chair, will present a session on the importance of community-based services in an environment of increased virtual services. This topic builds on what we learned in our ASPECT research Competency of Career Development Practitioners for Virtual Services and Refocusing the Urban Lens for Rural & Remote Employment Services.

Our session "Employment Services at a Crossroads: Do They Need to Change?" will look at how the changes in the labour market, employer demands, the rise of technology, and increases in multi-barrier clients have highlighted the need for community services to rethink service delivery. Check out the program and note that the registration deadline for Cannexus is Monday, January 15. 

Employees of ASPECT member organizations can register as a "member of a supporting organization" for a significant discount. Another reason for you to join ASPECT if you aren't already a member. Check out information about our member referral program below.

Janet Morris-Reade, CEO


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