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Gratitude Reflection

April 21, 2023 12:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

This has been such a busy few weeks that I'm not even sure where to start except with gratitude:

ASPECT Board of Directors

Thank you to the volunteers who lead the work of ASPECT and have committed so much of their time and expertise on behalf of all members. This year we've accomplished so much from our research, strategic planning, and intensive work toward choosing a new board member. At the May 18 Annual General Meeting, we will be welcoming Coreen Jenner from the Okanagan Training and Development Council to the board. In recognition of National Volunteer Week, ASPECT is truly fortunate to have such committed individuals leading us.

Canadian Coalition of Community-Based Employability Training

Thank you to my colleagues from across Canada who met earlier this week in Toronto to spend a day of strategic planning, presenting at the First Work Ontario Amplify Conference on the importance of collaboration and community-based services, and met with the ESDC national program director and program about the YESS program. We talked about how the expertise of employment service providers can inform policy. Thanks to Akosuoa Alagaratnam of First Work for being such a generous host and making it possible for us to be there.

From L-R: Mohja Alia, ISANS (Nova Scotia), Me, Akosuoa Alagaratnam First Work Ontario, Monika Feist, Success Skills Centre (Manitoba), Válerie Roy, AXTRA (Quebec). Missing is Debbie Green, Bredin Centre for Career Advancement (Alberta). 


Thank you to Lubica Keighery and Sweety Rajpal for inviting ASPECT to be a part of their in-person Symposium in Vancouver yesterday and for generously inviting me to be a part of their board dinner. Thanks to Seanna Quressette, BCCDA President, for brainstorming professional development ideas with me and for agreeing to deliver a pre-ASPECT Conference workshop day on November 1st along with her colleague, Dr. Catherine Hajnal, on Mental Health Strategies for CDPs. Details are coming soon.

Government Colleagues

Thank you to all of you who are working with ASPECT on several initiatives. From the Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, Hon. Selina Robinson, and her staff for arranging the Future Ready Skills announcement at yesterday's BCCDA Symposium to the others who have invited ASPECT to inform initiatives and announcements. If you are reading this, you all know who you are.

ASPECT Members

Thank you to our ASPECT members who share their time and expertise to inform our advocacy work. For those who attend our member meetings and for those who serve on subcommittees to review and edit reports and white papers, I could do none of this important work without you. 

I know this is a long CEO report, but after an exhausting couple of weeks, all I feel is gratitude for the people who contribute to our work and helped me along the way.

Janet Morris-Reade, CEO


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