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Promoting Communities of Practice

March 31, 2023 11:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

I was having a conversation with a ministry colleague this week and we were discussing the idea of creating a community of practice for employment service providers for a specific population. It reminded me of a few communities to which I belong, and some of which I have not visited in a while. 

Future Skills Centre
I was an early adopter of this community but was frustrated by the inability to find the information I needed. It appears that they heard from the community and have made some improvements. If you haven't visited in a while, I encourage you to try it out again.

Career Development Professional Centre
This is the second version of this community of practice as the initial platform did not accommodate French as it should. I have to say that I'm really enjoying this one, which is even better because of the posts below.

Another post that I thought you might appreciate is from Anna Gordon who has compiled a reading list for Career Development Professionals

If you signed up for the previous Career Development Professional Centre's CoP, I encourage you to sign up for the new one


National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4)
The resources on this pan-Canadian site are amazing. I can see that there are already 140 contacts from BC with many being from the ranks of ASPECT's membership. This CoP is a bit clunky to navigate but the resources available are excellent.

As the fiscal year comes to a close and the new one begins, now is a good time to focus on building your tool belt of ideas to help you in the work you do. If anyone else knows of good CoP sites, please send them to me. 

Janet Morris-Reade, CEO


 In last week's Aspectives, I mistakenly gave a new name to one of my ministry colleagues. My apologies to Ian Ross and his family for changing their family name to Powell. This is not the first time I've inadvertently renamed Ian, but I would like to apologize to him for doing it again. I will make every effort not to let it happen again.

For those of you who don't know Ian Ross, he is the Executive Director of Program Policy & Development in the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.


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