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An Apology, Extreme Early Bird Conference Reg, & Advocacy Notes

March 10, 2023 11:49 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

An Apology

At our ASPECT conference last November, we offered a session on smudging that I have since learned was a huge misstep. Smudging is a sacred act that should not be taught to non-Indigenous people, especially by someone who is not a member of the host nation. I am horrified that I made this mistake in programming the conference and will make every effort to avoid making similar mistakes in future. My sincere apologies to those who attended the conference whose culture was disrespected. The pathway toward true reconciliation is filled with uncomfortable conversations and learning, and I would like to thank the ASPECT members who took the time to help me understand. The Federation of Community Social Services of BC is offering its Cultural Safety Training, which is a good first step of many toward understanding.

Extreme Early Bird Conference Registration

With fiscal year-end approaching for many of our members, we have opened up the ASPECT Conference 2023 registration and are offering Extreme Early Bird rates for those organizations that would like to invest now in their staff's professional development. We don't have a program or any presenters set right now, but a call for presenters will be going out next month. The theme this year is "Experts in Work Transformations" which reflects the work the sector does and the current labour market.

Join us at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel on November 2 & 3 this year. We will be sure to have the same high-quality learning opportunities on which you've come to rely.  

Advocacy of Note

As many of you have heard, a three-year extension is coming for the WorkBC contract with details coming soon. In the meantime, ASPECT has met a few times over the last two weeks with our public service colleagues in the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. We discussed possible short-term adjustments that could be made to contract policies and what adjustment would need to be considered over the long term or the next contract.

In response, the WorkBC Advisory Committee will meet next week to discuss possible short-term adjustments, which will also be included in the committee white paper in development. It is crucial to share information with the ministry over the next 18 months as they work on creating the WorkBC 3.0 model. Please see the member consultations and meetings listed below that are not only for current WorkBC prime contractors but also for those who have feedback about the WorkBC 2.0 procurement process.

Janet Morris-Reade, CEO


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