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Our Members

Our Power is in Our Representation

Our members are leading experts in the delivery of career training programs to improve chances of employability and job retention for their clients. The focus has always been on making our communities sustainable by promoting the value of using local people who understand the market and can deliver the needed training and services.

Working Together Makes Us All Stronger 

ASPECT takes time to work with other organizations to find overlapping mandates and finds ways to promote or support others who can promote or support the work that our members are doing. If you have any suggestions of where we can expand our reach, please let us know.

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Partners & Interest Holders

As a representative of community-based employment service providers, ASPECT maintains relationships with employer and business development organizations so that its members can always have direct knowledge and access to the full spectrum of the employment sector.

ASPECT is an active and respected member of associations, foundations, charitable organizations, institutes and other guiding bodies in the community-based employment services sector. ASPECT representatives also serve leadership roles on councils and committees in BC and across Canada.

ASPECT is a respected leader in community-based employment services sector, working directly with:

ASPECT is a founding Member of the Canadian Coalition of Community-Based Employability Training (CCCBET), a national, non-profit organization comprised of representatives of provincial associations who represent the sector to the federal government and help community-based trainers become known world-wide for excellence in client-centred training and employment services. CCBET also provides an umbrella for contracts with the federal government for research) such as the HR study on Community-Based Training and evolving labour market issues, such as the national and provincial dialogues on Immigrant Employment. 

ASPECT BC is a proud member of the Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) and through our event management social enterprise, we provide event management services for their yearly conference that takes place cities across Canada.

ASPECT is a founding member of BC's Prior Learning Action Network (BC PLAN) and is committed to the recognition of formal and informal learning for individuals seeking employment. While official recognition of Prior Learning often may rest with the public post-secondary institutions, ASPECT works to increase the ability of Community Based Trainers to help clients develop portfolios to access the process. 

The Federation of Community Social Services of BC (FCSSBC) represents a fast-growing membership of over 140 agencies who provide support to individuals and communities in BC. ASPECT coordinates advocacy initiatives with The Fed on an ad hoc basis.

ASPECT is a member of the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) and participated in the development of the National Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners. ASPECT supports the professional development of front line career counsellors evidenced in the design of our annual conference and workshops. We collaborate provincially, nationally and internationally on certification and recognition. 

ASPECT is a supporting organization of this national charitable organization which advances education and research in career counselling and career development. ASPECT and CERIC provide mutual support and promotion of our organizations, resulting in reduced rates at the annual CANNEXUS Conference for ASPECT members.

The Canadian Association for the Prior Learning Assessment (CAPLA) is committed to advancing the awareness, acceptance, and quality practice of prior learning assessment and recognition in Canada and internationally. 

ASPECT has attended four of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (AIOSP) conferences over the last twenty years, expanding our knowledge of international models of delivery and developing many valuable relationships with colleagues and other national associations in the international career and educational guidance community.

ASPECT is a member of the BC Chamber of Commerce and values building relationships with employers in B.C.

300 - 722 Cormorant Street
Victoria, BC V8W 1P8

Phone: 250-382-9675
Toll Free: 1 -888-287-495 

ASPECT is proud to be a Living Wage Employer.

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