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a.k.a. Refocusing the Urban Lens for Employment Programs
After our first meeting on January 6, we identified some themes to discuss further. Our next session will focus on distance and its impact on delivering employment services.
Even if you did not attend the January 6th meeting, join us to discuss issues related to delivering employment services in rural and remote locations. This discussion group will consist of ASPECT members who administer and deliver employment programs to rural, remote, and Indigenous communities.
We will host a series of monthly meetings between January and May on the first Thursday of every month at 10:00. Each month will focus on a different topic which will be identified in this first meeting. To participate, please sign up for the session that most interest you and for which you have something to contribute.
Meeting Date
Jan 6
All committee members
Feb 3
Committee members with interest in discussing costs, logistics, available services, training, transportation associated with distance.
Mar 3
Committee members with interest in theme 2
Apr 7
Committee members with interest in theme 3
May 5
Committee members with interest in theme 4
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