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Introducing Values-Based Leadership Series

October 04, 2019 4:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

At last year's ASPECT Conference, we had a leadership session presented by Susan Steele. There were about 40 people attending and we were surprised to learn that 95% of them were existing leaders and not emerging leaders as expected. This got me thinking.

In this environment of grey tsunami retirements and others being thrust into leadership positions, many are feeling that there are issues arising for which they need training. But training courses are time-consuming and expensive: two challenges for new leaders or emerging leaders who are already drinking from the fire hose of information acquisition.  With this in mind, ASPECT BC has partnered with Dr. Roberta Neault and Life Strategies  to re-imagine our Values-Based Leadership curriculum for a present-day world with work and this is what we've come up with:

Combined In-Person & Online Learning

Our Leadership program provides students with a chance to build their networks while learning core concepts on Sunday, November 3 from 12 pm-5 pm at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel. Then at the end of the course, the capstone projects will be presented the day before or after the Summit April. (Details for the April date are still to be confirmed.)  

Core Courses + Electives

The leadership program has 6 units of core learning with 3 electives.  We are currently offering 6 electives, but that number is expected to expand as more trainers come on board. 

For the courses online, students will be required to complete the following learning activities:
  1. Prepare (Monday to Wednesday)
  2. Join (Wednesday) for a 30-minute live webinar
  3. Discuss (Thursday to Saturday) online with other students and instructors.
  4. Reflect (Due Sunday) on how views have been shaped by the learning.

Leadership Course Fees

This course is designed to be as affordable as it is flexible! Registration will be open in the next few days and detailed information will available soon on the ASPECT website. 
  Includes: ASPECT Members Non-Members
Full Series
  • 6 core courses (including in-person components of C1, C2, and C3)
  • 3 online elective courses
  • Capstone project
$1,475 $1,725
Individual Online Course
  • 1 core or elective online course
$125 $150
3-Core Bundle
  • 3 core courses (including in-person components of C1, C2, and C3)
$375 $450
Capstone Project Presentations
  • Pecha Kucha presentations 
  • Facilitated discussions
  • Networking 
$325 $350

Again, registration and details are coming soon. Thank you to Dr. Roberta Neault and Cassie Taylor at Life Strategies for helping us make this much-needed course a reality. 

Janet Morris-Reade

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

Toll Free: 1-888-287-4957
Telephone: 250-382-9675

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