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Earlier this week, I had the privilege of attending the launch of the National Career Certification program in Halifax. Representing ASPECT as a member of the National Career Advisory Committee, and thanks to funding from the Canadian Career Development Foundation, I was able to be part of this milestone event in person.
The day was packed with insightful discussions about certification pathways, the vital role of provincial voices and communities in ensuring the program’s success, and how this certification can serve as an aspirational goal for those beginning their careers.
Imagine a future where, instead of explaining career development, you’re asked, “What part of career development do you specialize in?”
National certification brings us closer to a united, recognized sector where career development professionals are well-compensated, well-understood, and valued, just as other professions are.
We know from our work how important building community and regional support is for the success of the people you serve, and the same is true for all aspects of career development in BC. That’s why ASPECT and the BC Career Development Association are poised to collaborate on projects and initiatives to ensure that the needs of the members of both organizations are met. We are making sure that even if you, your staff, or your colleagues do not choose the certification pathway, there will still be opportunities to learn excellence in the field through the course offerings aligned with the Pan-Canadian Competency Framework for Career Development Professionals.
ASPECT is relaunching our Learning & Coaching Sessions, which will start mid-January and are based on the CDP Practices Principles Series. All courses are mapped to the competency framework, so if you'd like to take the path to Career Certification, you can use these courses or build your learning to become more effective at your job. Then, later in 2025, we will present a CDP Bootcamp series for those new to the sector who need to hit the ground running. Stayed tuned for more information.
Since this will be my last message before the holiday season, I would like to thank you for supporting our work at ASPECT and all the essential work you do in your communities to make them strong. On behalf of the ASPECT board of directors, our staff, and partners, here's wishing you the happiest of holidays to you and your families and friends.
Janet Morris-Reade, CEO