L-R: Kim Lauritsen, Lori Forgeron, Devin Scott, Val Meaney (front), Raj Hundal (back), Peter Bailey, Tricia Gueulette, Coreen Jenner, Kirsty Peterson, Shannon Baikie, Aaron Clausen, Calum Scott
This was an exciting week for ASPECT. We hosted a board retreat in Richmond where we got the 2023-2024 board of directors and our 2024-2025 board members together for professional development, information sharing, and deep discussions about the current and future of employment programs in BC and Canada. These moments of reflection are crucial in ASPECT planning our path forward in an environment that feels like it is moving at lightning speed. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and to all the member organizations who supported them in doing so.
We said goodbye from the board to Tricia Gueulette and Val Meaney and a tip of the hat to Peter Bailey, who is leaving his formal board duties to take an ex-officio board position leading a newly formed Diversity Engagement Committee. Although we had a large group of excellent candidates for the board, we realized that the diversity of candidates does not represent the diversity of our membership and conference delegates. Peter and Coreer Jenner will look at ways in which we can find qualified board candidates who bring with them diverse experiences. More information on this committee is coming soon.
We would like to welcome new board members Shannon Baikie from the North Island Employment Foundations Society, Calum Scott from the Pacific Community Resources Society, Aaron Clausen from Island Work Transitions, and Devin Scott from the Kootenay Career Development Society.
We also convened the 2023-2023 Annual General Meeting, which was attended by nearly 30 members and ASPECT staff. To find out what we have done and where we are going, please check out our new annual report. Many thanks to all who attended both in person and virtually.
Janet Morris-Reade, CEO