I am writing this from the Ottawa airport after 3 days at Cannexus and another afternoon in a meeting for Ceric’s National Advocacy Committee. It has been an exhausting and successful trip. It is exhausting because there are so many people to talk to, so many ideas to share, and exceptionally full days of learning and interaction. Successful because I learned new tools, new research results released, and made new connections for my work in supporting ASPECT members.
One of the most outstanding research announcements is the Hidden Sector, Hidden Talent: Mapping Canada's Career Development Sector project funded by Ceric and delivered by the Challenge Factory with support from the Canadian Career Development Foundation. ASPECT has been involved in this research over the past year.
Researchers have assigned personas to the entire career development ecosystem, characterizing individuals' connections to career development, including those unaware that they are part of the field.
I am a "Parent Parker" and a "Communicator Collette." Take a look at the personas below to see who you are. The personas are on pages 24-27 of the full report. An executive summary can be found here.
Firstly, refer to the illustrated map with an iceberg below that appears on page 3 of the report. Government readers of this newsletter, take note that you can also find your place within it.

Here are the personas explained:

Did you find yourself? This research is so needed as we are sometimes divided by funding silos, while this diagram shows how we are all a part of the same ecosystem. I am certain that this information is invaluable to our advocacy work in that we can create bridges between various types of practitioners while educating those new to the sector, especially our political and government friends.
Kudos to Lisa Taylor, Taryn Blanchard, and their team at the Challenge Factory for their outstanding work and the Canadian Career Development Foundation for their contributions.
If you are reading the report and not just looking at the pictures, Lisa suggests you read sections 1 and 2, the regional profile on BC, and section 5, as the entire report is 330 pages.
Janet Morris-Reade, CEO