In our Refocusing the Urban Lens for Rural and Remote Employment Services research report, we identified some systemic injustices in employment service contracting for those delivering services outside of urban areas. Now it is time to expand our discussion to include the broader picture. We hope that with our collective voice, we can provide the government with solutions for upcoming procurement opportunities.
To this end, we will be having a series of employment service provider discussions addressing some of the areas for improvement that we have heard about. Please note that these discussions are for BC Employment Service Providers only.
New BC Bid System
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm (rescheduled for March 8)
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Work BC 2.0 - Unsuccessful Bidders
Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Register Now
General Government Procurement Discussion
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Register Now
Again, these meetings will be open to all BC Employment Service Providers and will be a solutions-focus approach to answering the questions: what is working well? And what could be better? After all, you are the experts, and it's an opportunity for you to share your expertise collectively.
I stumbled upon this video from 4 years ago created by the Human Service Council in New York. It touches on many issues I have been hearing about for years. It's a little funny, but it may be a bit hard to watch for those at the front line of procurement for their organization. Click on the image below for the link.

You may also remember that ASPECT is working with about 50 other organizations on the Social Services Sector Roundtable Reference Group on issues of procurement as well. The Human Service Council video indicates that our challenges are not unique.
Janet Morris-Reade, CEO