I have more excellent resources to share with you again this week.
Last Friday, there was a funding announcement of $8.5 million to "advance reconciliation in the BC community social services sector." This money will go toward several projects, but one I want to draw your attention to is cultural safety training. I know that many of you in the sector have already taken it, but if you have new staff or others like me who have not done the course, you can access it through the Federation of Community of Social Services of BC (FCSSBC). I am delighted at this offering because at our last Social Services Sector Roundtable Reference Group meeting in Richmond, BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres executive director, Leslie Varley, talked about the early days of the cultural safety training program and the difficulty of getting it into a single health authority. Listening to her persistence and dedication throughout her career was truly inspiring.
I was also re-acquainted this week with a resource from the Conference Board of Canada and the Future Skills Centre. They have released two seasons of podcasts that you might want to listen to. I am impressed with the timely topics, and the 20-minute format makes them perfect for your lunch-time walk. The screenshot below shows just a small part of the offerings.

Finally, I want to remind you that the BC Prior Learning Action Network, of which ASPECT is involved, has released some of their own podcasts with topics such as the early PLAR work, how PLAR is done at various organizations and an update from the 4th Validation of Prior Learning Biennale international conference held in Iceland in May of this year.
It feels impossible to keep up-to-date on everything but these resources might be helpful and relevant to you. Have sector resources to share? Please send me an email and let me know about them.
Janet Morris-Reade