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Networking Made Easy

September 24, 2021 10:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ASPECT Conference delegates tell us that one of the biggest draws to the ASPECT Conference is their ability to network with others in the sector. However, since were are meeting virtually again this year, we had to figure out a way to duplicate that in-person experience. Introducing Speed Networking!

During the last breakout session at the conference, delegates will be divided into two groups: those who work directly with clients and those who don't (organization leaders, researchers, government, etc.). Here's what to expect:

  • Conference delegates are encouraged to fill out an electronic "business card" on the event platform before the conference. 
  • There will be two Zoom meetings with multiple breakout rooms within each meeting. 
  • Each breakout room will have a maximum of 6 people in it.
  • Each breakout room session will last 10 minutes; there will be 5-6 rounds of breakouts.
  • In the end, we'll debrief and share highlights of what we discussed.
  • We will provide some discussion questions for each round to help break the ice and get people started.
  • After the Speed Networking, delegates can follow up with those they'd like to meet with by setting up a meeting on the conference platform or connecting through LinkedIn or other means.

I have attended these types of virtual speed networking sessions and have learned much about the different aspects of the social care sector. As an introvert who needs to work a little harder at in-person networking events, I have found virtual speed networking much more manageable and, in some cases, more fruitful. Hopefully, by next year, we will once again be able to go back to in-person events, but in the meantime, ASPECT will look for ways to help you connect with your colleagues and potential project partners. Register now for the conference.

Janet Morris-Reade 

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

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