The long-awaited report of the BC Expert Panel on Basic Income was released this week. The Panel suggests that a basic income would not be ideal, but provided recommendations for significant changes to the social safety net. If ratified, this will have a significant impact on the employment services sector.
In short, here is the summary of 65 recommendations (pp. 39-42):
Reform Disability Assistance (DA) into a targeted basic income
- Replace disability-related designations
- Reform application process
- Revise application forms
- Eliminate DA asset test
- Relax DA income test
- Reform adjudication process
- Eliminate reassessment
- Convert DA to a targeted basic income
- Increase DA benefit to the poverty line
- Lower DA benefit reduction rate and maintain income exemption
- Create public and community employment
- Integrate support for addiction and mental health
- Review addiction support
Reform Temporary Assistance (TA) to reduce the “welfare wall”
- Eliminate work-search requirement
- Engage federal government on COVID-19 recovery benefit rationalization
- Initially maintain current TA income test
- Increase TA income test threshold in medium term
- Eliminate TA asset test
- Extend TA streamlined reapplication
- Increase TA benefit levels by making COVID-19 emergency $300 supplement permanent
- Lower TA benefit reduction rate and maintain income exemption
- Evaluate training support
- Expand earnings supplement
Provide extended health-care benefits to all low-income individuals
- Convert extended health supplements to a basic service
- Provide housing support to all low-income renters
- Combine Income Assistance support and shelter allowances
- Expand targeted supportive housing
- Institute a B.C. Rent Assist refundable tax credit
Provide intensive work support to targeted groups
- Establish Assisted to Work basic service
- Establish a joint rehabilitation and work support agency
Enhance support for low-income families with children
- Refocus the Child Opportunity Benefit
Enhance financial and support services for young adults
- Increase Ministry of Children and Family Development resources
- Enhance transition planning and community support capacity
- Extend Agreements with Young Adults education and training duration
- Enhance Agreements with Young Adults life-skills support
- Extend Assisted to Work eligibility to former youth in care
- Create targeted basic income for former youth in care
- Initiate basic income with community support engagement
- Mandate a ministry to support former youth in care
- Establish a B.C. Learning Bond
- Contribute to B.C. Learning Bond for children in care
- Create a B.C. Career Trek program
Enhance financial and support services for people fleeing violence
- Enhance housing for people fleeing violence
- Create a three-tiered domestic violence program
Improve precarious employment through labour regulation reform
- Develop gig work employment standards
- Review Employment Standards Act exclusions
- Enhance proactive Employment Standards Act enforcement
- Improve employment standards for fissured work
- Review Labour Relations Code unionization provisions
- Proactively facilitate industry advisory councils
- Extend Labour Relations Code successor rights
- Rationalize employee definitions across programs
Improve the way benefit delivery platforms function
- Combine refundable tax credits into Dogwood Benefit
- Rationalize income definition for income-testing purposes
- Engage federal government to reduce tax-filing barriers
- Engage federal government to increase tax and benefit delivery responsiveness
- Engage federal government to streamline administrative tax data–sharing
Develop an identification and verification platform for non–tax filers to increase benefits access
- Automate informing applicants of eligibility for other programs
- Enhance cross-program system navigation
- Establish system governance
- Index Income Assistance rates to changes in the poverty line
- Increase Income Assistance staff resources
- Rigorously evaluate major reforms
- Create linked administrative data for policy development
Make ongoing engagement a permanent part of all policies
- Set up a human rights-based approach to engagement with those affected
Clearly, there is a lot to unpack here but I think from a social care perspective, we can see that the report outlines forward-thinking for some of the wicked problems that we need to solve as a society. Thank you to basic income panel members for their hard work and to the provincial government for investing in this project.
Janet Morris-Reade